Annastunnel Antwerp Belgium

This is one of the most amazing places I have been to in my #travellife is this amazing 5km underground tunnel. #annastunnel #antwerp in Belgium. I call it my accidental discovery, I walked into this place while searching for shelter from the viciously cold wind and then I happened on a remarkable landmark in the history of #Belgium , a trully amazing and beautiful tunnel built in the 1930s this tunnel is a wonderful mix of creativity and awesomeness. The two stage wooden escalators were the first in history made from beautifully crafted wood finely finished and polished. You can either walk through or ride through on a bicycle. It's a must see if you ever find yourself in Antwerp Belgium.
Discovering this place reminds me that there is always good even in seemingly bad circumstances. 

Yes come to Europe and discover amazing awesome place.

 The escalators made with wood, first of its kind

 5KM long tunnel

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